Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The images presented here are from several series I have been working on over the last 15 years. They represent an exploration of the many facets of female power.

Shards of Her Life

Based on poetry by Friday


From the series Goddess Mythologies

La Femme Perdu~Persophene

Le Femme Perdu~The Three Graces
Both this image and the one above are
from the series
Goddess Mythologies

Lost In My Kimono Dreams

Memoir du Mer

Sarasvati from the series Goddess Mythologies

Atropos from the series Goddess Mythologies

Circe's Dream from the series Goddess Mythologies

Dancing With The Dark

The Furies ~ Redux

Judith and Holofernes

A Matter of Perception

A Night Dream

A Window In Her Soul I

A Window In Her Soul IX

Angels In Her Kitchen
based on poetry by Friday

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